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Thursday, December 4, 2008

Cooperative Learning...the hard way

Just recently in Ed. Psych we were assigned group projects. As a group we had to create an I-Movie book presentation. I have to say, this was one of the most stressful group projects I have had to create. Not only was there a lot involved in order to get all of the necessary requirements accomplished, but me and my fellow group members had extremely busy schedules.

During class we had been discussing "Cooperative learning". This project was a good example of the problems with this process. When you are working in a group on one large project, someone is almost always going to end up doing a larger portion of the work. I am not saying that it happens intentionally, but when you have several people with different ideas or ways of doing things, sometimes it is difficult to find that true compromise. The idea of cooperative learning is good, but I feel it is not always the best way to go about things. In the school setting; students need to be able to work together with other students, it helps building social skills and problem solving. It also helps students realize that it is okay to be both a leader and a follower.

1 comment:

musicra said...

Agreed. Many students will just follow and let the leader do the work. Sometimes I wonder what would happen in a group of all followers... would anything get done? I think you bring up a good point.